Joshua’s doing some reading… This one is “God never makes potatoes!”
Joshua’s appetite has changed! It might be that we are living in Romania at the moment so the food is slightly different but, he is morphing into pickiness. I wonder if this is the age where children’s taste buds change or it’s related to developmental changes?!
And another change is freckles. I noticed this too with Oscar. They both weren’t born with many freckles, maybe one or two, but as they approach 3-4 years old they start to appear slowly. How amazing!
Caroline x
After I told Oscar about my favourite book from my childhood, he asked that I read it to him, and so began our nightly habit of reading books without pictures that are probably mostly (but not enitrely!) going over his head. Having said that, even Joshua picks up on plenty, despite falling asleep within minutes of me starting to read each night!
Many fascinating conversations spin out of these reading sessions.
It took us about 8 weeks to read the whole thing, and Oscar loved it. It’s a long book, but a fairly straightforward adventure plot. But lots of complex characters and events. His favourite bit is a big battle, where all the groups Lyra has met come together to save the children.
There are 2 more books in this trilogy, but the story and concepts get even more complex, so I’m trying to be patient before reading them!
We didn’t enjoy that one as much. It’s a very slow pace!
Philip Pullman started another trilogy of books in Lyra’s world, and the first was released in 2017. It’s set before Northern Lights. We loved this one, too. Lots of interesting concepts including freedom and morality.
Oscar’s favourite bit is how the Gyptians know the flood is coming, but no one else believes it… and then, of course, the flood does come.
Apparently this is a popular book in America; often read in middle school. I’d not heard of it, but turns out the movie adaptation is coming out in a few weeks! It was on a list of good children’s books, so we tried it out. We enjoyed this one a lot, too. Quite different to what I expected, and I’m quite intrigued to see how the movie turns out.
There are lots more books in this series too, so I expect we’ll come back to this one at some point.
I really didn’t expect this one to go down well, but the kids enjoyed it. They liked the computers and robots with “realistic” personalities (including Marvin the utterly depressed android, and the spaceship’s computer that’s always faaar to cheerful). They were both in fits of giggles at the computer singing during a crisis.
Oscar seems interested in robots, aliens, and various types of intelligent creatures. On reflection… I guess that’s a theme running through all these books so far!
Next we’re trying out I, Robot, by Isaac Asimov. We’ll report back in a couple of weeks what we think of that one.
Hello from Romania!
We have been here, for Matthew’s work, for a week now. It seems quite a bit longer actually! And staying another 6.5 weeks seems a lot.
It’s been particularly cold most days and the temperature is set to drop to the minuses this weekend and next week! Ah!
Matthews been busy at work, starting the day after we’d travelled all day to get here! We all had a good sleep that night after being so tired. But then, the 2 hour time difference hit us, mostly O and J with struggling to go to bed at 8pm – they had a few evenings of being asleep around 9.30/10pm and getting up at 7am ish. We’re nearly there now.
The boys and I have a mission to explore. This has been a little difficult and we’ve frequented the supermarket 3 times now but hopefully we’ll find some other fun places soon.
I wanted to mention a few struggles/anecdotes that have happened so far…
Caroline x
Recently, Joshua (3years 7months) has started to show some great imaginative play.
I’ve realised after hearing him and asking if he needs me when he shouts back, “I’m not talking to you Mummy!”
It’s been so lovely to see and I can’t help thinking that if he was to start school this September, when he’ll just be 4, whether that will be nurtured or lost. Oscar still happily plays imaginatively and independently now at nearly 6.
Caroline 🙂
Picture: Joshua with his friend in his boat.
I thought I’d write a quick list of all the things we did yesterday… we had a day at home waiting for an Amazon delivery. Most days we go out so whenever we have a whole day at home, I have to be prepared to pop out at any minute if I feel the kids need it- sometimes they do, sometimes they don’t.
National curriculum subjects covered at the least: literacy, art, PE, science (biology and physics), music, home economics.