Oscar has just turned 6 months old! The time has gone pretty quick, but it’s hard to remember life without him. Except being able to go see a movie before spoilers ruin it.
He’s still not written his first app, but he’s learned a lot since getting yanked into the world. Here’s a quick run through…
Make people smile
- Blink (but still not often!)
- Suck his thumb
- Suck Daddy’s finger
- That Daddy’s finger doesn’t taste nice
- Headbutting stuff
- Drumming and hitting the table
Reach for and grab stuff
- pinch
Hold and look at things
- Laugh, chuckle & giggle
- Hold his head up
- Roll on to his back (although he’s since forgotten that skill)
- Roll on to his front
Shuffle around the floor (he made it from the living room into the kitchen on Sunday!)
Stay sat unsupported (for almost a whole minute)
- Balance on Daddy’s hands
- Peek a boo
Put stuff in his mouth (although still tends to put his hand in his mouth, rather than the thing in his hand)
- Eat hair
Eat (most of) his food
- Splash water in the bath
- Cry when things are taken away
- He’s found his feet, but still cautious of them
- He can tell left from right
- Press buttons
- Look at sounds/talking
- Follow people as they walk past
- Watch TV
Dance (allegedly)
Get really big
- Make sounds
- ohhhhhhhhhhhhh
- growling
- nnnnn daah daah mmmm
- Blow raspberries with his lips
- Clicking & tocking with his tongue/lips
And some stuff he hasn’t learned…
- To feed from a bottle
- Cause & effect
Still struggling with the concept of swallowing
- Who that other baby is in the mirror
And finally, his eyes are still blue, but his first two teeth have appeared!
You can see all these pictures, and a few more from these first 6 months on our smugmug.